
Name Latin name Greek name Year of birth Place of birth Year of death Place of death Type Ruler Church Family
Commemoration of the Holy 165 Fathers of the Fifth Ecumenical Council Μνήμη ἑκατὸν ἑξήκοντα πέντε πατέρων τῶν ἐν τῇ πέμπτῃ συνόδῳ 553 Constantinople Commemoration Justinian I emperor Eastern Church
The fire of Constantinople μέγας ἐμπρησμός ἐν Κωνσταντινουπόλει 461 Commemoration Leo I emperor Eastern Church
Theodore patriarch of Antioch Theodorus patriarcha Antiochiae Saint Eastern Church
Venerable Eustratius of the Monastery st. Chariton Venerable Eastern Church
Commemoration of the Great Earthquake Μνήμη μεγάλου σεισμοῦ ca 447 Commemoration Theodosius II emperor Eastern Church
Dedication of St. Theodore's church in Resius Θεοδώρου ἐν τῷ Ῥησίῳ Commemoration Eastern Church
Translation of the relics of St Lazarus “of the Four Days in the Tomb” the Bishop of Kiteia on Cyprus translationem S. Lazari discipuli Christi e Cypro Constantinopolim Ἀνακομιδὴ τοῦ λειψάνου τοῦ ἁγίου καὶ δικαίου Λαζάρου Cyprus ca 900 Constantinople Commemoration Leo VI the Wise emperor Eastern Church
Commemoration of the Great Earthquake Μνήμη μεγάλου σεισμοῦ ca 447 Commemoration Theodosius II emperor Eastern Church
Dedication of st. Christopher's church in Palyeuctus Τα ἐγκαίνια τοῦ ναοῦ τοῦ Χριστοφόρου Commemoration Eastern Church
The Apparition of the Image “Not-Made-By-Hands” in Camouliana ἀνάδειξις τῆς ἀχειροποιήτου εἰκόνος ἐν Καμουλιαναῖς Camouliana Commemoration Theodosius I the great emperor Eastern Church
